CDI Blog For Engineers

Solartron Metrology Gaging Transducers IN STOCK NOW AT CDI!

Solartron Metrology
Solartron Metrology Gaging Transducers IN STOCK NOW AT CDI!

No Supply Chain Issues.
No Component Shortages.

Just High-Quality Gaging Transducers by the World Leading Producer, Solartron Metrology!

High-Quality Gaging Transducers

Need Probes Tomorrow?  Look no further!!

DP/2/S (Part# 971100-3): 2MM Range, Spring Push
DP/2/P (Part# 971105-3), 2mm Range, Pneumatic
DP/5/S (Part# 971130-3) 5mm Range, Spring Push
DP/5/P (Part# 971135-3):  5MM Range, Pneumatic
DP/10/P  (Part# 971115-3):  10MM Range, Pneumatic
DP/20/S (Part# 971160-3):  20mm Range, Spring Push
DP/20/P (Part# 971165-3) 20mm Range, Pneumatic
T-Connectors (971000-3)
USB Controllers (911427-3)
Power Supplies (911173-US-3) also in stock today!

SI7500 Gage-Chek Metrology Display:  (Part# 911362-US)

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About Solartron Metrology
World Leaders in Linear Measurement. Digital Gage Probes, LVDT’s, Optical Linear Encoders, and associated instrumentation. 
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